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CV Starr Disaster Relief Fund

In 2016, the CV Starr Disaster Relief Fund (the Fund) was formed for the employees of C.V. Starr Co., Starr International Company, Inc. and others who may wish to contribute, to provide emergency financial and other assistance to victims of natural and man-made disasters worldwide. The CV Starr Disaster Relief Fund is designed to be activated in times of crisis, particularly those that impact communities where Starr employees live and work, to support rescue, relief, and recovery efforts that are not otherwise addressed by public and private resources.

The CV Starr Disaster Relief Fund makes grants to local nonprofits that are working most effectively on the ground in the disaster zones. It does not make grants to individuals.

The CV Starr Disaster Relief Fund is now collecting contributions for the Southern California relief and recovery efforts in the wake of the devastating wildfires.